
Ear Lobe Repair - Teaneck, NJ

Understanding Earlobe Repair

sonia earlobe repair patient
"When I first walked in, the staff made me feel really welcome. They have a top-of-the-line facility."

In-Office Earlobe Repair Procedure

Our practice offers the surgical repair of torn earlobes that can sometimes occur with patients who wear pierced earrings. Earlobe repair is a simple procedure performed in the comfort of our welcoming practice under a local anesthetic. You can return home the same day and will not require a ride home.

There will be some slight discomfort post-surgery, but over-the-counter medications are usually sufficient for our patients. There may be minimal scarring after your earlobe repair procedure, but these tiny scars tend to fade over time and are covered by most earrings. We are confident that you will love your result!

dr schulhof discussing dental procedure

Dr. Schulhof

Talks About Earlobe Repair

cosmetic dental patient looking left after cosmetic procedure

Faster Healing Surgery

During this procedure, your oral surgeon will gently remove the thin layer of skin lining the inside of your earlobe tear to create two raw edges, and then the edges will be stitched together so that they can heal naturally in place. In some cases, a new pierced hole can be created the same day, and a new earring can be worn soon after. In other cases, the pierced hole is closed during a split earlobe repair, but you can have your ear pierced again after just a few short months.

earlobe repair patient

Earlobe Repair in Teaneck, NJ

At North Jersey Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, you are in the very best hands. Our surgical services are performed in a safe, calm, and sanitary environment by skilled and caring professionals. If you have any further questions about the services we offer, please feel free to contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our two highly trusted surgeons. Thank you for the opportunity to care for you.

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