
Tooth Extraction - Teaneck, NJ

Oral Surgery In
Bergenfield, NJ
Meet Emmy

emmy extraction patient after dental procedure
"I recommend Dr. Schulhof. Go see Dr. Schulhof. He’s the best!"
Hi, my name is Emmy, and I live in Bergenfield. I saw Dr. Schulhof [for] getting my tooth pulled out. The ladies here are really nice. They made me feel really comfortable. Dr. Schulhof is cool. It was really easy to get my teeth taken out. I recommend Dr. Schulhof. Go see Dr. Schulhof. He’s the best!

They made me feel really comfortable. Dr. Schulhof is cool. It was really easy to get my teeth taken out.

Oral Surgery for Residents in Bergenfield, NJ

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Now that you’ve heard from our patients, we invite you to learn more about our practice, team, and doctors so that you can see how hard we work to exceed your expectations with personalized care using the most advanced techniques and technologies available today.

Oral Surgery in Bergenfield, NJ

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